Release notes

Microsoft Dynamics CRM App

Release notes

  • Common 9.2.0

    New Features

    Made wsnl_calls method and solution field searchable

    Added a common modal dialog that is responsive (auto scaling based on screen)

    To be reused by all other solutions.

    Allow to fetch Xrm to use WebApi

    Added WSNL.Common.GetLanguage function to be user in all solutions

    Bug fixes

    Not showing any configuration page when an upgrade fails

  • KvK 9.2.0


    Using generic popup

    Making it work on other screen sizes (phone, tablet)

    ‘WSNL aanroepen entity’ has been extended with forms for the KvK calls and a view

    View only contains Kvk plugin calls

    Language adjustments

    Partly making use of Xrm. WebApi instead of custom libraries

    Optionally allow to add to update service – including new configurations!

    Alignment of back button on form

  • Update service 9.2.0

    New features / enhacements
    A completely new version has been created.

    The following features have been implemented:

    Additional fields on Account to indicate if it has been placed onto the update list and when Allowing the users to create a view of all accounts on the update list at CI

    Allowing users to add or remove accounts onto the update list at CI from CRM

    A sync mechanism that allows a user to sync the update list with the additional field in CRM

    Update proces itself has been split into two steps:
    1. Allow users to fetch records separately from updating
    This will actually fetch the records from CI and put those records into CRM.

    2. Actually processing the records
    The user is able to process all records or just a selection. The user can choose to process those records automatically or manually. When processing manually the user by default will only see the changes. They can indicate what to update and what not.
    The fields are listed in a table structure with old and new values next to each other.

    Extensive logging has been added to all screens of the solution to allow users to see what is happening.

    For accounts removed from the CoC a fields has been added on the account indicating removal.