Billiton Marketing Holding B.V.


Naritaweg 165
1043 BW Amsterdam

Billiton Marketing Holding B.V. is the holding company of several companies which are active in the procurement of pitch, coke and aluminium fluoride for Brazil and Group smelters in Southern Africa under a procurement arrangement with those smelters and providing marketing, logistics and administrative services to BMAG and SAMAG in return for a commission income based on the volume of cornmodities turned over by these companies.

  • KvK
    • 27167732
  • SBI (KvK)
  • SBI ( verrijkt organisaties met gespecificeerde SBI codes.  Zie hier een voorbeeld
  • Current Ratio
  • Rechtsvorm
  • Bedrijfsactiviteit
Soortgelijke organisaties
Strawinskylaan 3051
1077ZX Amsterdam
Swammerdamstraat 42
1091RV Amsterdam
Balistraat 107
1094JG Amsterdam