Privacy and Cookie Statement of

1. Introduction

Last updated: 29 June 2020

This Privacy and Cookie Statement explains B.V.’s processing of the personal data of users of our services and others who visit our websites. We also explain here which cookies are placed via our applications and what we do with these.

For a more general explanation of how handles privacy across the board, so also in relation to individuals whose data are included in our services, see our document entitled ‘privacy & data processing‘.

Read our cookie policy to change your cookie settings or read more about this.

We define processing as everything that can be done with personal data, such as collection but also the storing, use, passing on or deletion of personal data.

Personal data are all data that directly or indirectly say something about you, such as your name, address, account number or email address, but also your computer’s IP address, for instance.
We have tried to provide you with all the information in a clear and understandable manner. If, however, after reading this Privacy and Cookie Statement, you still have questions about our use of your personal data, you can always contact us at

2. When does this privacy statement apply?

This Privacy and Cookie Statement is applicable to our processing of data from customers or their employees who use our service (category a) or persons whom we approach to become customers (category b).

3. Who is responsible for the processing of the personal data? B.V. (CI), subsidiary of FD Mediagroep B.V., is responsible for the processing of all the personal data that fall within the scope of this Privacy and Cookie Statement. Our company’s registered address is Abram Dudok van Heelstraat 2, 1096 BE Amsterdam.

The other subsidiaries of the FD Mediagroep B.V. has their own Privacy Statement.

4. For what purposes do we process your personal data and what data are processed?

4.1. When you use our services (category a)

a) For executing and performing contracts
If your company purchases a service from us as customer, we process your company’s data for administrative purposes, such as sending invoices. If you have a sole proprietorship, your company data may also contain personal data (if your office is located at your home address, for instance).
We also process personal data pertaining to you, your employees or colleagues in order to enable them to use our service, to allow them to log in on our website or if our customer service assists you or them.

To this end, we process the contact details of our customers, such as address and email address, and the personal data of our users, such as name and IP address. This list is not exhaustive, but we limit ourselves to information that is necessary to be able to perform our contract properly and to your satisfaction, as customer.

The legal basis for this processing is ‘necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party’.

In some cases, we process customer data also in order to comply with legislation and regulations, for instance tax legislation. In those cases we may have to disclose your personal data to government authorities or regulators.

WThe legal basis for this processing is ‘necessary for compliance with a legal obligation’.

b) For monitoring the use of our service provision

We also process personal data in order to monitor the use of our services. We do that in part so that we can use that information to improve our website(s) or app(s) and offer you certain new functionalities on our website(s) or app(s), but also so that we can register total usage, for instance in order to calculate the fees owed on the basis of that. also processes personal data in order to detect any abuse, for instance, sharing personal login details in contravention of our conditions of use, and to take action in response.

To this end, we process personal data that are automatically generated by the functionalities you have used on our website and the technical data from your device, such as the IP address, the Internet browser you use, the pages you visited on our website, your click and surf behaviour and the length of your sessions.

The legal basis for this processing is ‘legitimate interest’. The use of the personal data as described above is, after all, necessary for providing optimal services to our customers and users, and protecting them. We have also taken a number of measures to prevent the breach of users’ privacy as much as possible and if this is unavoidable, to limit the impact of such breaches, such as the measures described below in this Privacy and Cookie Statement.


4.2. When you do not (yet) use our services (category b)

Even if you are not yet a customer of ours but are indeed interested in our service provision and to that end, for instance, you use our free site, we register your data. That data could include personal data, such as your IP address. To that end, we also use cookies, see further on in this Privacy and Cookie Statement.

We also process the personal data of potential customers in our customer contact so that we can, for instance, reach possible agreements with them in the precontractual phase or approach a potential customer.

We retrieve these data from public sources and from our own marketing database. We obtain additional information from the data subject in conversations with the contact persons at the particular organisation.

All the information, from both existing customers (category a) and possible future relations (category b), that we use in our own marketing is saved in our CRM system. We use that information to make you appropriate offers and send you (personalised) newsletters, and to provide customer service and perform account management. We also use your personal data for the development, implementation and analysis of market research and marketing strategies. We also use internal reporting/dashboards to monitor the status and progress of marketing on an aggregated level.

If we contact you with personalised marketing, we always do so only after you have been clearly informed about this in advance and have given explicit consent for this. You can also revoke this consent at any point.

For the processing of personal data for non-personalised administration and marketing, we rely on the legal basis of ‘legitimate interest’, as described in 4.1.

You always have the right to object to our processing of your personal data; in this regard see clause 9 of this Privacy and Cookie Statement. In that case, please contact us at

5. Cookies

If you visit our website or, we also collect your personal data through the use of cookies. Cookies are tiny files with information that store and retrieve data on your visit – for instance, how you arrived at the website, how you navigated on the website and what information was interesting to you.

Read more about our cookie policy and see what cookies we use, why we do that, what we do with them and how long the data are kept.

6. Who has access to your personal data?

6.1 Within the FD Mediagroep can share your personal data within the group of FD Mediagroep subsidiaries. We share data on your user account internally for administrative purposes. This gives us a full overview of your contacts and contracts with the FD Mediagroep. We can also share your data internally in order to offer you a complete package of services and products. To that end, the FD Mediagroep stores all personal data received from the various subsidiaries in a shared data warehouse. That data warehouse is physically located in the European Union.

The information we collect and process in approaching potential customers (category b) is kept separate from our services as offered to those who are already customers. The same applies for the data that our customers deliver to us for enrichment.

Our employees only have access to those personal data to the extent necessary for them to perform their duties.

6.2. Outside the FD Mediagroep
In a few cases, we are required by law to share data with third parties, such as the tax and customs administration. Beyond this, we will only provide personal data to third parties after we have requested your consent for this and these will always be third parties that guarantee that they, like us, comply with all the requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

6.3. Use of your personal data by processors
If a third party processes your personal data on our instruction, this party functions as a processor. We always conclude a contract with this kind of processor. This contract contains obligations to ensure that your personal data are processed exclusively by the processor and solely for the services it provides to us. In all those cases, we remain responsible for handling your data and you can hold us accountable for that.

7. How is the protection of your personal data guaranteed? has put in place safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data. We have implemented technical, physical and organisational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or loss, damage, amendment, unauthorised disclosure or access, as well as all other forms of unlawful processing (including but not limited to unnecessary collection) or further processing. Examples include ISO 27001-certified IT security, a training programme for personnel, secure servers and a protocol against any data leaks. If you nonetheless come across any weaknesses in our system, please let us know. We have a responsible disclosure-protocol.

8. How does ensure that your personal data are correct?

It goes without saying that it is very important to us that the data we process in relation to you are correct. If you notice data that are inaccurate, please let us know (via

9. How long are your personal data kept?

Your personal data are saved for a maximum of five years after your last interaction with us. After that they are deleted or rendered anonymous. Read more about this in our cookie policy.

10. How can you enforce your privacy rights?

You have the right to inspect an overview of your personal data and the right, under certain conditions, to rectification and/or deletion of your personal data. In addition, in certain cases, you also have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability.

In order to invoke your right of inspection, rectification, deletion, restriction, objection or data portability, please contact us at We may ask for additional information to verify your identity when invoking these rights.

If you have given consent for the processing of your personal data for a particular purpose, you can also revoke this consent at any time. You cannot revoke your consent with retroactive effect. You can also contact us concerning this at

11. Can you submit a complaint?

If you are dissatisfied with’s use of your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at any time at

You can also submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (voor Nederland) or the Belgian Data Protection Authority.