Onboarding clients within minutes with KYC software.

Is the Know Your Customer (KYC) process taking up a lot of time? Are you looking for ways to identify potential risks more efficiently? With the, you can easily and quickly access and archive all the company information you need for KYC onboarding and monitoring in a single KYC tool. This way, you know exactly who you are doing business with and maintain business integrity.

A client survey in 5 minutes with the

The KYC process has a lot of repetitive bulk work. Such as requesting extracts from the Trade Register, checking the UBO and checking for PEP and sanctions lists. Time-consuming activities that lend themselves perfectly to automation.

How does's KYC tool work?

You start the KYC workflow by looking up the organisation you want to investigate. Once all the required information has been retrieved, the result of the UBO investigation appears. All officers known from the sources are shown. The UBO is thereby mapped according to the classification.

You can immediately screen the listed individuals for PEP, sanctions and adverse media(international). You then assess the client file by determining the risk category and adding a conclusion based on your organisation’s compliance policy. You can then have clients monitored automatically. All the information you have reviewed and assessed can be found digitally in the client file in the You can also export a client file to an auditable file in pdf.

Automatic monitoring of clients


You can have clients monitored automatically if you wish. You will receive a notification as soon as:

  • A client’s organisational structure has changed.
  • There has been a change in the UBO.
  • The client has been in the news negatively or appears on a PEP (Politically Exposed Person) or sanctions list.

Walter Dielemans

Partner and Broker at De Mik, Real Estate Partners, consultant & real estate agent

“As a brokerage firm, we were doing client due diligence before we were covered by the Wwft, but we did it manually. As a result, it was not always as structured as it should have been. We already investigated many clients, but sometimes a client slipped through. You want to prevent that. To increase our professionalism, we started looking for a tool that takes a large part of the client research out of our hands. offers that possibility with the Thanks to this tool, we now survey clients on client acceptance using a single method. And we can easily monitor existing clients periodically by setting when we want to review them again. Especially since we have many clients we have worked with for years, this is nice. In addition, due to the rapidly changing property and investment market, we are also increasingly dealing with new, international clients. We can now easily review those too with the”

KYC software that enables you to comply with the AML guidelines

Under the AML guidelines, you are required to investigate your (potential) clients and the risks they pose. Based on that you decide: to accept or not to accept. The is an online tool that automatically collects and stores all publicly available information about companies and their directors in your client file. With the you complete KYC workflow quickly, allowing you to comply with AML/Wwft guidelines more efficiently.


Every organisation in the picture with the
The KYC software collects all relevant business information for each step, so you can be sure you are allowed to do business with (new) clients. All documentation is immediately stored in an audit trail. The KYC workflow in the proceeds in 6 steps.

Step 1: Verify organisations
Step 2: Find out the UBO
Step 3: Compliance check
Step 4: Questionnaires and files
Step 5: Risk classification
Step 6: Client monitoring

Verify client organisation and tree structure

Quickly map out the address, senior director, financial information, number of employees and the industry in which a company operates. To do this, check excerpts from an organisation’s trade register, and the group of companies the organisation belongs to.

Find out the UBO

In the KYC software, you can easily find UBOs and authorised representatives thanks to up-to-date information on corporate relationships, directors, sole shareholder structure and legal documents.

Check UBO for PEP, sanctions and negative news

Do a compliance check by checking a (legal) person in 4 areas:

  • PEP
    Find out whether a (legal) person appears on the PEP list, i.e. the list of Politically Exposed Persons. If it is a politically exposed person, it is necessary to take additional risk management measures.
  • Sanctions
    Does a (legal) person appear on international sanctions lists? With the, you can immediately see whether sanctions have been imposed currently or in the past by the AFM, DNB or Interpol, among others.
  • Negative news
    The screens researched companies and individuals in international media. This allows you to immediately see whether a (new) client has appeared negatively in the news.
  • Bankruptcies and legal rulings
    Has the (legal) person experienced one or more bankruptcies in the past? Have there been any legal judgements? The KYC software automatically checks his or her legal past.

Easily add documents to your client file

checklist. Then decide for yourself whether the questionnaire should be filled in compulsorily when dealing with a client.

You can also add separate files at file, company and/or person level. You have the option of automatically deleting an added document after a certain period of time due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

All added documents can be found in the client file in the

Determine what risks a client poses

Assess the client file by identifying the risk category and adding a conclusion based on your compliance policy.

Client monitoring

Proactive client monitoring
With the KYC tool, clients are proactively monitored if required. In that case, you will receive a notification if the client has been in the news negatively, for example. Or if there has been a change in the organisational structure, such as a change in the UBO.

Reactive client monitoring
It is also possible to review clients once or several times a year at a time determined by you.

Step 1: Verify organisations

Quickly map out the address, senior director, financial information, number of employees and the industry in which a company operates. To do this, check excerpts from an organisation’s trade register, and the group of companies the organisation belongs to.

Step 2: Find out the UBO

In the KYC software, you can easily find UBOs and authorised representatives thanks to up-to-date information on corporate relationships, directors, sole shareholder structure and legal documents.

Step 3: Compliance check

Do a compliance check by checking a (legal) person in 4 areas:

  • PEP
    Find out whether a (legal) person appears on the PEP list, i.e. the list of Politically Exposed Persons. If it is a politically exposed person, it is necessary to take additional risk management measures.
  • Sanctions
    Does a (legal) person appear on international sanctions lists? With the, you can immediately see whether sanctions have been imposed currently or in the past by the AFM, DNB or Interpol, among others.
  • Negative news
    The screens researched companies and individuals in international media. This allows you to immediately see whether a (new) client has appeared negatively in the news.
  • Bankruptcies and legal rulings
    Has the (legal) person experienced one or more bankruptcies in the past? Have there been any legal judgements? The KYC software automatically checks his or her legal past.
Step 4: Questionnaires and files

checklist. Then decide for yourself whether the questionnaire should be filled in compulsorily when dealing with a client.

You can also add separate files at file, company and/or person level. You have the option of automatically deleting an added document after a certain period of time due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

All added documents can be found in the client file in the

Step 5: Risk classification

Assess the client file by identifying the risk category and adding a conclusion based on your compliance policy.

Step 6: Client monitoring

Proactive client monitoring
With the KYC tool, clients are proactively monitored if required. In that case, you will receive a notification if the client has been in the news negatively, for example. Or if there has been a change in the organisational structure, such as a change in the UBO.

Reactive client monitoring
It is also possible to review clients once or several times a year at a time determined by you.

Request a demo of the

Want to know more about the features and functionalities of the Or are you curious about the cost? Then request a personal demo.

That's why you choose's

  • Save time in client acceptance and client monitoring for KYC/CDD
  • Reduce manual operations and minimise incorrect entries
  • Comply with the Wwft/AML guidelines
  • Monitor clients proactively in the

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