
Choose the subscription that suits your business.


€379 per year

View 84 profiles per year

Export 1,800 profiles per year


€949 per year

1 user

View 240 profiles per year

Export 4.200 profiles per year

Most popular


€1.899 per year

1 user

View 720 profiles per year

Export 12.600 profiles per year


Customised price

Unlimited access

View unlimited profiles per year

Export unlimited profiles per year


€379 per year

1 user

View 84 profiles per year

Export 1,800 profiles per year


€949 per year

1 user

View 240 profiles per year

Export 4,200 profiles per year

Most popular


€1.899 per year

1 user

View 720 profiles per year

Export 12,600 profiles per year


Customised price

Unlimited access

View unlimited profiles per year

Export unlimited profiles per year


from €250 per year

2 users

Export 0 companies per year

10 features

Most popular


from €495 per month

2 users

Export 15,000 companies per year

12 features


from €995 per month

3 users

Export 30,000 companies per year

18 features


Customised price

5 users

Number of companies to be export per year is to be agreed upon

All possible features


€379 per year

1 user

View 84 profiles per year

Export 1,800 profiles per year


€949 per year

1 user

View 240 profiles per year

Export 4,200 profiles per year

Most popular


€1.899 per year

1 user

View 720 profiles per year

Export 12,600 profiles per year


Customised price

Unlimited access

View unlimited profiles per year

Export unlimited profiles per year

Compare all features.

General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check

Compare all features.

General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Create and export prospect lists
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Customer look-alikes
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check

Compare all features.

Insight into your website visitors
Basic features
Financial features
Mobility features
Property & location features
Sales area features
Business type features
Social media features
Event features
Reach features
List management
Sustainability features
Profile analysis module
Integration of customer data
Business behaviour features
Company property features
ICT & Telecom features
Vacancy features
Energy features

Compare all features.

General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Create and export prospect lists
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Customer look-alikes
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check
Risk & Compliance Sales Marketing General

Risk & Compliance

Map all risks of companies and directors via our online portal. Increase your financial insight and accurately comply with laws and regulations.


Risk & Compliance

Map all risks of companies and directors via our online portal. Increase your financial insight and accurately comply with laws and regulations.


€379 per year

For anyone who occasionally needs company information for screening (potential) clients and risk management.

1 user
84 viewing profiles per year
1,800 exporting per year


€949 per year

For anyone who needs regularly up-to-date company information for, for example, KYC processes & risk management.

1 user
240 viewing profiles per year
4,200 exporting profiles per year
Most popular


€1.899 per year

For anyone who needs up-to-date business information for, for example, KYC processes & risk management on a daily basis.

1 user
720 viewing profiles per year
12,600 exporting profiles per year


Customised price

Accurately execute KYC processes and better assess risks. Additional insights with the Risk & Compliance and Real Estate modules.

Unlimited access
Unlimited viewing profiles per year
Unlimited exporting profiles per year

Risk & Compliance


€379 per year


€949 per year


€1.899 per year


Customised price


General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check
View more features View less features


Find new customers quickly via our online portal and better assess sales opportunities. Get a 360 degree customer view thanks to up-to-date company information.



Find new customers quickly via our online portal and better assess sales opportunities. Get a 360 degree customer view thanks to up-to-date company information.


€379 per year

For anyone who occasionally needs company information for lead generation, prospecting or preparing a sales conversation.

1 user
84 viewing profiles per year
1,800 exporting profiles per year


€949 per year

For anyone who regularly needs up-to-date company information for, for example, lead generation and prospecting.

1 user
240 viewing profiles per year
4,200 exporting profiles per year
Most popular


€1.899 per year

For the professional who needs up-to-date company information for lead generation, prospecting and marketing on a daily basis.

1 user
720 viewing profiles per year
12,600 exporting profiles per year


Customised price

Always aware of new opportunities and possible risks Extra insights with the Sales & Marketing module.

Unlimited access
Unlimited viewing profiles per year
Unlimited exporting profiles per year



€379 per year


€949 per year


€1.899 per year


Customised price


General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Create and export prospect lists
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Customer look-alikes
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check
View more features View less features


Drive your marketing efforts with the online market analysis tool Marktview by making specific B2B target group selections and analyses. Segment the total market to your target group and immediately see how great the potential is. Load your own customers into the market analysis tool, discover their characteristics and find new leads.



Drive your marketing efforts with the online market analysis tool Marktview by making specific B2B target group selections and analyses. Segment the total market to your target group and immediately see how great the potential is. Load your own customers into the market analysis tool, discover their characteristics and find new leads.


from €250 per year

Gain insight into which companies visit your website, in which industries they work and where they are located in the Netherlands. Find out whether you are reaching the right audience with campaigns and optimize your targeting.

2 users
0 exporting companies per year
10 features
Most popular


from €495 per month

Easily segment the total market of companies into your relevant target group by selecting companies based on relevant characteristics. Export audience selections for your marketing and sales campaigns and gain more conversions.

2 users
15,000 exporting companies per year
12 features


from €995 per month

Make target group selections and conduct customer analyses by integrating your own customer data. Gain insight into your customers. See in which provinces, branches and company sizes you are over or under-represented.

3 users
30,000 exporting companies per year
18 features


Customised price

Have the most extensive dataset with company information at your disposal. Get access to data about company behaviour and vacancy data. Export the largest number of companies for targeting your marketing and sales campaigns.

5 users
Number is to be agreed upon exporting companies per year
All possible features



from €250 per year


from €495 per month


from €995 per month


Customised price


Insight into your website visitors
Basic features
Financial features
Mobility features
Property & location features
Sales area features
Business type features
Social media features
Event features
Reach features
List management
Sustainability features
Profile analysis module
Integration of customer data
Business behaviour features
Company property features
ICT & Telecom features
Vacancy features
Energy features
View more features View less features


Through our online portal you know exactly who you are doing business with. Quickly check the risks of a customer or lead and prepare customer conversations down to the last detail.



Through our online portal you know exactly who you are doing business with. Quickly check the risks of a customer or lead and prepare customer conversations down to the last detail.


€379 per year

For anyone who occasionally needs business information to spot sales opportunities and risks with customers.

1 user
84 viewing profiles per year
1,800 exporting profiles per year


€949 per year

For anyone who regularly needs up-to-date company information to spot new opportunities and risks.

1 user
240 viewing profiles per year
4,200 exporting profiles per year
Most popular


€1.899 per year

For the professional who needs up-to-date company information on a daily basis for optimal market and customer insight.

1 user
720 viewing profiles per year
12,600 exporting profiles per year


Customised price

Know exactly what's going on with your business relationships. Gain additional insights with the Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate modules.

Unlimited access
Unlimited viewing profiles per year
Unlimited exporting profiles per year



€379 per year


€949 per year


€1.899 per year


Customised price


General company data
Annual reports and excerpts
Filtering and segmenting by SBI codes
Enriched ( SBI Codes
Company news
Financial information companies
Organisational data
Management and corporate structures
Shareholder information
Historical file
News alerts and changes
Bankruptcy file and
Create and export prospect lists
Insights sectors NOW scheme
Customer look-alikes
Standard annual accounts
News sentiment
Real estate data
Compliance check
View more features View less features

That is why you opt for data from

The most current company information gathered
in one place.

Real-time insight based on 10+ data sources and 1,500+ news sources.

Our subscriptions are
flexible and scalable.

Put together the subscription that suits you and scale up where necessary.

Can't figure something out?
You get access to our helpdesk.

Contact us by phone or email. Our colleagues are happy to help you.

They also have data work for them.

They also have data work for them.

They also have data work for them.

They also have data work for them.

Frequently asked questions

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Frequently asked questions

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Frequently asked questions

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Marketing subscriptions from per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo for a Marketing subscription?

Yes you can! Fill in the contact form and request a demo. We will then contact you within 1 day to schedule the demo. If you like what you see, you can use Marktview for free for 2 weeks.

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With a Pro subscription you use the same features as with a Business subscription, but you also add your own customer data. This allows you to make customer analyses and gain insight into the characteristics of your best customers. An Unlimited subscription is the most comprehensive plan. In addition, you get access to the most extensive dataset with company information. You also get access to data about company behaviour and vacancy data and you can export the maximum number of companies for marketing campaigns.

Can I get help with making market analyses and target group selections?

Of course! Once your subscription has been activated, you will receive training from one of our marketing consultants. He or she will show you around the tool. After that, we will continue to support you. If you find later that you need help with making analyses and selections, our team of consultants will also be available to assist you. Contact us by phone on +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Marketing subscriptions from per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo for a Marketing subscription?

Yes you can! Fill in the contact form and request a demo. We will then contact you within 1 day to schedule the demo. If you like what you see, you can use Marktview for free for 2 weeks.

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With a Pro subscription you use the same features as with a Business subscription, but you also add your own customer data. This allows you to make customer analyses and gain insight into the characteristics of your best customers. An Unlimited subscription is the most comprehensive plan. In addition, you get access to the most extensive dataset with company information. You also get access to data about company behaviour and vacancy data and you can export the maximum number of companies for marketing campaigns.

Can I get help with making market analyses and target group selections?

Of course! Once your subscription has been activated, you will receive training from one of our marketing consultants. He or she will show you around the tool. After that, we will continue to support you. If you find later that you need help with making analyses and selections, our team of consultants will also be available to assist you. Contact us by phone on +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to

Frequently asked questions

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Do I pay my subscription per month, quarter or year?

You pay all Online subscriptions per year. The invoice for the entire period will be sent within two weeks after the start of the subscription. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay per month or per quarter.

Can I get a demo of the online portal?

Yes you can! Call +31 (0)20 2400 400 or send an email to and request a demo. You can also sign up for a trial subscription to try Online for free for one week.

How can I cancel my subscription? Online has a cancellation period of 1 month for all subscriptions. So if you cancel 1 month before the end of your current subscription period, your subscription will be stopped after this period. You can only cancel by sending an email to

What is the difference between an Unlimited subscription and a Business or Pro subscription?

With an Unlimited subscription, several users get access to the online portal. You benefit from all features by default. In addition, it is possible to add various modules that give you extra insight into Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate.

Choose the data solution that suits your business

Data Integration APIs

Receive all company information directly in your own CRM, ERP or other system thanks to a direct link via APIs.'s APIs automatically check, enrich and update the data in your system. This way, you are assured of correct and complete information in less time. Receive all company information directly in your own CRM, ERP or other system thanks to a direct link via APIs.

More information

Tailor-made smart data solutions

Do you have specific requirements? Our consultants are happy to inform you about our smart data solutions.

Do you have specific requirements? Would you prefer to receive a one-off individual data delivery, for example? Or would you like to use both our APIs and the online portal? Our consultants are happy to inform you about our smart data solutions.

More information

Do you have any other questions?

Are you unsure about the best subscription for your business? Or do you want to know more about our APIs or customisation options?

Contact us