Online portal for company information.

Know exactly what is going on with (potential) business relations.
Online portal for company information

Do you need real-time insights to spot sales opportunities or business risks? With’s online portal for company information you have access to the most complete, reliable and current information about all companies in the Netherlands. You also follow all the business news and discover relevant, predictive insights about your current or potential future relationships.

Online portal for company information

Real-time information about companies.

In’s online portal for company information you will find details about all companies in the Netherlands in one place. Think of address and contact details, company news, financial figures, excerpts from the Trade Register and the organisational structure. This information is bundled per company in an organisation profile.

  • Give your sales a boost. Find leads by selecting companies based on features that are relevant to you. Think of industry, number of employees and location. Improve your prospecting and discover new business opportunities. Keep your finger on the pulse with our news and updates feature so that your customer and sales conversations remain up-to-date and tailored down to the last detail.

  • As a Risk & Compliance professional you accelerate your processes for risk management, CDD and KYC (onboarding and monitoring). You can easily find the UBO of an organisation, perform compliance checks in a few clicks and check natural and legal persons directly for PEP, sanctions and adverse media.

Search through information about companies

Some of the information you will find in the online portal:

Company details
Shareholder information
Company news and news alerts
Financial information
Bankruptcy file

Company details

Get insight into company data of all companies in the Netherlands.

Shareholder information

Discover the UBO and DMU of your (potential) business relations based on up-to-date shareholder information about decision-makers. It’s also possible to see how the management and concern structure of an organisation is built.

Company news and news alerts

Check company news that has been linked to companies and sectors in the Netherlands from 1500+ sources. Easily set up news alerts and build watch lists. Keep up to date with company news, changes in the organisational structure and mutations in the Trade Register.

Financial information

Gain insight into a company’s financial information and performance through the financial statements with balance sheet totals, ratios, profit and loss account and the Company Index. Map (financial) trends of a company and benchmark a company’s performance against competitors.

Bankruptcy file

Find out whether your customer or supplier is included in the daily updated overview of bankruptcies, moratoriums and debt restructuring from the Central Insolvency Register. Court decisions about companies and directors of can also be found in the online portal for company information.

Company details

Get insight into company data of all companies in the Netherlands.

Shareholder information

Discover the UBO and DMU of your (potential) business relations based on up-to-date shareholder information about decision-makers. It’s also possible to see how the management and concern structure of an organisation is built.

Company news and news alerts

Check company news that has been linked to companies and sectors in the Netherlands from 1500+ sources. Easily set up news alerts and build watch lists. Keep up to date with company news, changes in the organisational structure and mutations in the Trade Register.

Financial information

Gain insight into a company’s financial information and performance through the financial statements with balance sheet totals, ratios, profit and loss account and the Company Index. Map (financial) trends of a company and benchmark a company’s performance against competitors.

Bankruptcy file

Find out whether your customer or supplier is included in the daily updated overview of bankruptcies, moratoriums and debt restructuring from the Central Insolvency Register. Court decisions about companies and directors of can also be found in the online portal for company information.

Test the online portal.

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  • Free use of our online business information portal for 1 week

  • View 10 company profiles

  • Export 10 companies

  • Access to company news

  • Cancels automatically

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Discover the online portal variants

You can consult the online company information portal of in different variants. Deciding on the variant that suits you best will depend on how often you want to see information about companies.


For anyone who sometimes needs up-to-date information about companies to spot new opportunities or business risks.


For anyone who regularly needs up-to-date information about companies to spot new opportunities or business risks.


For the professional who needs up-to-date information about companies on a daily basis to spot sales opportunities or business risks.


Unlimited up-to-date company information companies and gain extra insights with the Sales & Marketing, Risk & Compliance and Real Estate modules.

This is how our information about companies is established.

At we do everything we can to bring all relevant information about companies together for you and make use of. We provide you with tools and data that allow you to be more innovative and successful by enabling you to make better decisions.

The basis of the company information is the Trade Register, which is enriched with (10+) data sources. Think of the Insolvency Register,, the Land Registry and VWE fleet information. To ensure the reliability of our information, we compare and validate those sources with each other. We also add our own unique data intelligence about companies. The result is a database of highly accurate, invaluable data for our users.

Try our online portal for free.

7 days access. No payment details required. Cancels automatically. Start right away.

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